
Blog creado en un momento de ocio y locura, he de admitirlo, dentro de poco iré subiendo nuevas cosas así que, lo escaso que hay, espero que lo disfruten.

Se aceptan críticas, tomatazos, lechugazos, y demás verduras, así como objetos cortopunzantes, siempre y cuando no atenten seriamente contra la vida de la autora.

¿La principal razón de esto? Ní si quiera yo soy capaz de decirlo, sin duda alguna, algo saldra de esto...

A blog created in a moment of leisure and craziness, I must admit it, soon I'll be uploading new stuffs here, so I hope that you enjoy the little I have here... for the moment.

I accept critics, flying vegetables, as so sharps objects, as long they do not seriously attempt against the author's life.

What is the principal reason of this? Even I can't give a precise answer to that, but somehow, something will come from this... or so I hope.

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

D-Day, Normandy

Just to make things clear, I DO NOT have English as mother language (as you can prove it in my other blog.) So, I really will appreciate if you don't blame me for messing with this language. I'm not perfect, and I still consider my self as a English-learner, so if you have anything to say, please please!!! do it in a polite way, 'cuz I won't tolerate any disrespect to my person.
Needless to say, history is my worst subject, but I really liked this assignment, but guess what? It was written in English, so if you are a poor soul that came to this blog by my other blog (?), I'm really sorry. After this, I will write a little summarize in Spanish. 
Now let's begin!! 

Normandy Landings
"It was matter of seconds when I realized that if there was any place like Hell, it might be the beaches of Normandy on June 6 of 1944.  We hadn't sink when the enemy started shooting to our boats, as soon they had a chance, they killed many of our soldiers.
I went underwater to try to protect from the bullets-and bombs-, it wasn't a surprise that I wasn't the only one who thought the same action... neither it was when I saw it was quite useless.
But we had to keep moving.
I swam through the several death bodies, I approached  the nearest boat I saw, I needed to breath and hide at the same time. Some of my mates were already there; planning how to get nearest the coast. I joined them as well.
With effort, we made our way to the beach, other soldiers were shooting with the hope that some bullets fell in the enemy's field and killed someone.
The noise was horrible, the soldiers' faces were traumatic sights. The rain of bullets seemed endless. I could see everything crumbling in front of my eyes. The pain on my body was unmanageable, but I had to fight, I couldn't let myself  die without doing nothing.
With high determination -and luck-, I approached the nearest General I could see for instructions. He looked hesitating, many were asking him, what to do; somehow, he looked distant. It hadn't pass too much when he gave the instructions we were waiting for.

After a long fight-and many deaths, we managed to go inside the enemy's base; we destroyed, we killed... We  did not show mercy. But at the very end, only few of us survived, the sea was colored by red... a red that came from our comrades' bodies.
The sound, the smoke, the taste of blood in the air, the sight of uncountable corpses, the sickening feeling of the war... That was the only word I found to describe that hellish place... Even now I think that Hell could be prettiest than the beaches of Normandy on June 6 of 1944...
The several broken bones, the incalculable wounds, and my now missing hand, are trifles compared to the suffering of the fallens' family."
Dairy of war; weekly newspaper. Story from a survivor of the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944.
 Just to let you know, this story (if you want to call it), it was based on a movie that we (the class) had to see in order to create this... thing... 
It  was not a pretty war, and it is a fact that many people died fighting, between 4,000 to 9,000 casualties. The movie (whose name I cannot be able to remember...), showed it in a pretty crude way. 
If I remember the name, I'll write it down, otherwise, it'll stay like this.

Español:  El ataque en las playas de Normandia, no fué un hecho que sea recordado precisamente por ser de colores pasteles. Fue sangriento... y mucho, se dice que cerca de 4,000 a 9,000 personas murieron ese día en ese preciso lugar en cuestión de unas cuantas horas. Esta cosa (llámese; intento de historia), fué basada en una película sobre esa batalla. El nombre no lo recuerdo, pero al estar basada en esa película, yo describí los hechos tal cuál los ví(mas o menos) y tal cuál mi maestra os lo pidió narrarlos.  Lo qué publiqué cuenta como sucedieron las cosas desde el punto de vista de un sobreviviente de la guerra, que fue publicado en un períodico local (ficticio, obviamente). Y no, no fue tan fácil que se diga. Para hacerlo, tuve que hacer muuuuchos borradores desde diferentes puntos de vista, al final ví que me salia mejor uno narrado desde primera persona. Espero haber cumplido con mí propósito original: Crear un ¿cuento? historico, basado en un hecho real (y dicho sea de paso: convincente),  sobre algo que paso en cierto punto en el tiempo. De no ser así, supongo que necesito más practica.

Espero no haber os aburrido...

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